School Readiness Superheroes: PARENTS, the greatest superheroes in the universe!

Are you ready for school? As always, the lazy days of summer fly by and before we’re ready, a new school year begins. For Pickens County students, that’s next week! {How can it be?}

But what is true school readiness? That’s what we’ve been talking about the last couple of weeks on the blog.

It takes a team to get each child ready for school. And YOU — as parents, coaches, librarians, health care providers, early childhood teachers — are a critical part of that team.

The mission of  First Steps is to create a community where children are ready for school. So we want to profile our fantastic school-readiness team right here in Pickens County. Each week leading up to school, we’re shining a spotlight on some of our superheroes who are helping kids become ready learners. Our hope is that you’ll become connected with those in our community, learn more about what they do, and pass their services along to those in your circle of influence.

What a simple and everyday way to make a difference in the lives of children and family right where we live!

superhero team

This week’s superheroes {the most powerful force of all}: PARENTS

Despite the vital role that early intervention, early childhood education, libraries, faith communities, and all our community superheroes play in getting kids ready for school, research consistently shows that the greatest superheroes of all are parents!

Whether it’s through family dinners, the security and boundaries that positive discipline provides, reading aloud, knowing that talking is teaching, or simple family outings {going to the playground, church, or restaurants}, we can never underestimate the natural strengthening and equipping that parents provide to young children.

In a culture where we assume our young children need music classes, preschool gymnastics, art classes, and themed birthday parties, it’s easy to forget how valuable the basics are in preparing our kids for school and for life.

Do you talk with your child?
Do you answer their {many} questions?
Do you read together?
Do you provide opportunities for your child to be exposed to new things?
Do you provide healthy boundaries?
Do you take your child to the doctor when he’s sick and stay up to date with well visits?
Do they consistently interact with other children and adults?
Do they know they’re safe, loved, and cared for?
Does your family life allow for daily rhythms?

If you answered yes, I have good news for you:

You’re a school readiness superhero! Good parenting doesn’t mean perfect parenting. But good parenting is not as complicated as think.

So GO FORTH, MOMS AND DADS! Keep reading and talking and loving your kids in these simple and everyday ways, knowing that YOU are the most powerful school readiness superhero!


Are you interested in parenting resources right here in Pickens County for you or those within your sphere of influence? First Steps links arms with a number of parenting support partners:


The Parent Education Program through Pickens County Schools offers adult education, ESOL classes, childcare (6 weeks to 4 years), ILA (Interactive Literacy Activities), transportation, parent education, breakfast/lunch, and referrals to other support agencies in the county. Because parents are their child’s first and most important teacher, Family Literacy helps parents and children form a learning partnership that results in the adult students making academic and parenting gains and their children making gains in literacy and language development. The result is intergenerational success.


The Parenting Place seeks “to build relationships and provide services, resources, and support that will prevent all forms of child abuse and neglect.” This includes free weekly home visitation with comprehensive support services such as: postnatal child development screenings, financial stability plans {including GED and job attainment}, educational and support services for social and emotional behaviors of children between 2 and 8, equipping young fathers, and more.


First steps also works hard to support best parenting practices through home visitation and group meetings.  Visit some of our partners who are part of Children’s Services Council.  And click here to learn more about the role of First Steps in our community.

Let us know how we can serve you as you seek to nurture the young children in your life!


What’s YOUR favorite way to be a superhero to the young children in your care ?

Connect with us in the comments section or through our communities on Facebook and Twitter. Pickens County First Steps is also on Pinterest. Find great ideas for nurturing the young children in your life!

Want to know how YOU can help promote great childhoods in your community? It’s easy. SHARE our posts with your friends! Use the social media buttons at the bottom of this post. Together, we can make a difference.

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Special thanks to Greenville County First Steps and their School Readiness Guide for providing content and graphics.

By Marian Vischer, Communications Coordinator
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