Children’s Services Council

Today, Children’s Services Council of Pickens County (CSCPC) is an alliance of agencies within the county that serve children and families, prenatal to age 5. It works to disseminate information and educate local community resources about the needs of our county’s youngest learners. CSCPC is composed of representatives from public and private organizations, as well as individuals who are interested in and committed to the mission and purpose of the council.

Our Mission

To establish a coordinated service system to effectively maximize community resources to foster thriving children prenatal to age 5 and their families.

Our Vision

All Pickens County children are valued, supported, educated, safe and healthy.

Our Purpose

  • To provide an alliance of shared activities and information to guide efforts to better serve families with children ages prenatal to 5
  • To maximize the integration of services through shared referral and coordination of services
  • To provide a vehicle for increased communication and knowledge sharing for organizations serving families with children ages prenatal to 5
  • To facilitate the implementation of specific activities designed to more efficiently and effectively serve families with children ages prenatal to 5
  • To increase community awareness of the CSCPC and the importance of investing in early childhood initiatives and programs

Give your child a great start in life with these free resources!

5 fun, simple, powerful ways that every family can give every child a great start in life

Formerly “Bright by Text.” Parents and caregivers of children prenatal and up can subscribe to receive age-specific tips and community resources based on their child’s date of birth.

Receive FREE books for ages 0-5.

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