What Jacob Hall Teaches All of Us About Being Superheroes

Scores of kids and adults left for school and work this morning wearing superhero shirts to honor Jacob Hall, a child most of us have never met but will never forget.

The bright light of a 6-year-old boy, snuffed out much too soon, has united our hearts, enlarged our community, and knit us all together in ways we could have never expected just one week ago.

It’s tragic that it sometimes takes a tragedy for us to realize the pure gift that children are to all of us.

The light they bring into the world somehow overcomes the darkness.

Children represent the hope, optimism, and boundless spirit this world desperately needs.

Jacob Hall is a shining example of that.

Today, a small-town community has drawn a wide circle and welcomed all of us in. People all over the country are dressed as superheroes, linking arms across all the boundaries that typically separate us. Today we are not aligning ourselves along race or political affiliation or geographical locale.

Today we are all neighbors. We grieve and hope together, as one.



As we’ve seen over the last week, children have a way of bringing out the best in community. And we’re here to bring out the best in them too.

Jacob Hall has reminded us that children are the real superheroes, saving us from our cynicism and pessimism, putting smiles on our faces despite the stress of life, reminding us that there is indeed hope no matter what.

And they need us to be superheroes for them too.

That’s really what the First Steps mission boils down to — being everyday superheroes for the children in our midst as we equip our community to nurture them in ways that get them ready for school and for life.

We’ve heard it often but it bears repeating:

Our children are our future.

Let’s keep coming together as a community to provide what they need — as first-responders, as teachers, as parents, as caregivers of all kinds. The tragedy at Townville Elementary has shown us that we are better together.

It’s inspired hope and unity and a renewed longing to do all that we can to secure a safe and bright future for the next generation.


To all who grieve, we offer our thoughts and prayers.

To our community, you have overwhelmed our hearts with your support.

To the teachers and first responders who sacrifice for others every single day, words cannot express our gratitude.

To Jacob Hall, may your light burn ever brighter as you continue to inspire all of us toward hope and unity.



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By Marian Vischer, Communications Director


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